X-Studios, created by the joint venture of X-Studio in Savona, Enlight Studio in Torino and NBMusic Agency, has been conceived in order to become a landmark for every potential client’s artistic needs. Thanks to the collaboration with talented and experienced artists like Maximals and SOVTH, with big releases on the most important labels in the world under their belts, like Spinnin’, Protocol, Axtone, plus Etta Matters and UNEVEN, other upcoming and talented artists (owners of the #1 Free Label in Italy, Enlight Recordings), X-Studios is able to offer a top quality job.
Furthermore, in association with NBMusic Agency, X-Studios is happy to offer various managementrelated services, performed with professionality and efficency.
Come meet us at our facilities in Savona and Torino.
Who we are
Via Giovanni Servettaz, 38 17100 Savona SV
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 62 10121 Torino TO
sterosa@x-studios.it - matteo@x-studios.it
+39 349 166 4120
X-Studios, created by the joint venture of X-Studio in Savona, Enlight Studio in Torino and NBMusic Agency.
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